패션, 뷰티, 라이프스타일, 여행, 엔터테인먼트와 같은 다양한 주제를 다루며 블로그나 기타 소셜 매체를 통해 유명해진 스타 인플루언서들을 연도별로 묶어서 소개합니다. 이를 통해 트랜드 변화를 이해하고 블로거로써 우리가 갈 길을 고민해보는 기회를 가져보겠습니다.
Top 10 인플루언서 목록을 만드는 일은 주관적인 면이 있을 수 있습니다. 우리의 목적은 각 연도별 트랜드 변화를 보는 것이기 때문에, 각 해에 급부상한 상위 인플루언서들을 위주로 목록을 생성해보았습니다.
먼저 상위 인플루언서 목록에서 얻을 수 있는 인사이트를 정리해보겠습니다.
주제 분석
블로그 상위 주제 10개에 대해, 아래 목록에 있는 인플루언서들이 얼마나 관여를 했는지 살펴보면 아래와 같습니다. 물론, 정확하지는 않고 해당 블로그들이 어떤 내용을 다루는 지를 보고 대략적으로 판단했을 때의 결과입니다.
- 패션과 미용: 약 20%
- 라이프 스타일: 약 15%
- 건강과 웰빙: 약 10%
- 가족과 육아: 약 8%
- 기술과 기기: 약 5%
- 금융: 약 7%
- 음식과 요리: 약 12%
- 여행과 모험: 약 10%
- DIY 및 공예: 약 6%
- 오락과 대중문화: 약 7%
위 주제 중 라이프 스타일은 설명이 필요해 보입니다. 라이프 스타일 항목은 여행, 홈데코, 건강, 웰빙, 다이어트, 음식과 요리법, 개인 개발, 그리고 일반적인 라이프 스타일에 관한 조언 등을 포괄하는 항목입니다. 시쳇말로 하면 잡블로그죠. 이 라이프 스타일에 속하는 블로그가 15%나 됩니다. 반드시 한 주제에 국한해서 블로그를 운영할 필요는 없다는 결론입니다.
인플루언서를 통해 보는 미디어 트랜드
단편 영상 플랫폼의 부상
TikTok과 같은 단편 동영상 플랫폼의 등장과 급속한 성장은 인플루언서 트렌드의 물줄기를 바꾸어놓았습니다. Charli D’Amelio, Addison Rae, 그리고 Bryce Hall과 같은 수많은 인플루언서들이 주로 TikTok을 통해 명성을 얻었다는 것을 보아도 단편 동영상 플랫폼이 인플루언서 마케팅에서 얼마나 중요한 지 알 수 있습니다.
미디어의 다각화
인플루언서들은 더 이상 단일 플랫폼이나 콘텐츠 유형에 국한되어 활동하지 않습니다. Emma Chamberlain, Addison Rae, 그리고 James Charles와 같은 많은 인플루언서들이 YouTube, TikTok, Instagram 등 다양한 플랫폼을 통해 콘텐츠를 공유하려고 노력했습니다. 다양한 채널을 통해 팔로워들과 관계를 형성하는 것이 인플루언서의 영향력을 높이는 데 크게 기여합니다.
소셜미디어를 넘어서는 영역의 확장
인플루언서들은 온라인에서의 존재감에 기반하여 소셜 미디어 플랫폼을 넘어서 다양한 분야로 활동 영역을 확장해왔습니다. Addison Rae의 연기와 음악 시장 진출, James Charles의 화장품 브랜드, Emma Chamberlain의 전통 매체와의 협업 등이 그 예시입니다.
많은 인플루언서들이 기업가 정신에 도전하여 자신의 브랜드, 제품 및 비즈니스를 런칭했습니다. James Charles의 화장품 라인, Emma Chamberlain의 커피 브랜드, Nikkie de Jager의 주요 뷰티 브랜드와의 협업 등이 그 예시입니다. 개인 브랜드와 관객 신뢰를 바탕으로 한 매출과 수익을 창출의 기회가 얼마든지 널려 있다음을 확인할 수 있습니다.
신뢰성과 공감
진실성과 공감대는 인플루언서의 영향력을 형성하는 가장 큰 힘입니다. Emma Chamberlain, Charli D’Amelio, Larray와 같은 창작자들은 사생활에 대해 솔직하고 여과 없는 콘텐츠를 제작하여 유명해졌습니다. 진정한 공감과 투명한 커뮤니케이션만이 정보의 홍수 속에서 돋보일 수 있는 유일한 방법입니다.
다양한 공동체로 부터 다양한 배경과 정체성을 가진, 인플루언서들이 자신의 솔직한 이야기로 광범위한 공감대를 형성하면서 유명세를 얻었습니다.
단편 영상 플랫폼의 부상
위에 언급한 내용들 중에 가장 주목해야할 트랜드 변화을 꼽는다면, 단편 영상 플랫폼(Short-Form Video Platforms)의 부상입니다. 틱톡같은 단편 영상 플랫폼은 크리에이터가 되기 위해 넘어야 했던 전통적인 진입 장벽을 허물고, 누구나 동영상을 제작하고 대규모 팔로잉을 구축할 수 있게 합니다.
전통적인 유투브 영상은 기획, 촬영, 편집, 후처리, 마케팅 등 체계적인 단계를 거쳐 제작되어야만, 좋은 컨텐츠가 되는 경향이 있었습니다. 하지만, 단편 영상 플랫폼은 그 장벽을 허물어버리고 누구나 쉽게 핸드폰 하나로 즉흥적인 영상을 제작해서 공유할 수 있도록 한 것입니다.
뛰어난 접근성과 보급성으로 인해 단편 동영상은 짧은 시간 안에 대규모의 관객에게 도달할 수 있는 높은 바이럴 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다. 이러한 폭발적인 바이럴 성격을 최대한 활용하여 성공한 인플루언서들을 많이 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 실시간 댓글, 좋아요, 듀엣 등의 기능을 사용하여 크리에이터들은 관객들과의 밀접한 유대감을 형성할 수 있었습니다.
단편 동영상 플랫폼은 댄스 챌린지부터 립싱크 비디오, 코미디 스케치, 교육적 콘텐츠까지 다양한 콘텐츠 유형을 수용합니다. 이러한 매체의 다양성은 크리에이터들이 다양한 스타일을 실험하고, 다양한 관객의 관심에게 다가갈 수 있음는 바탕이 됩니다.
전반적으로, 단편 동영상 플랫폼의 부상은 인플루언서 마케팅과 디지털 미디어에 혁명적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 최근 온라인 환경에서 관찰된 트렌드 중에서도 가장 두드러지고 중요한 트렌드입니다.
단편 영상 플랫폼으로 성공한 인플루언서
Charli D’Amelio:
찰리는 댄스 비디오로 유명세를 얻었습니다. 재미있는 안무와 에너지 넘치는 공연은 빠르게 주목을 받았고, 수백만 명의 팔로워를 만들었습니다. 찰리는 공감을 살 수있는 능력이 있었고 지속적인 플랫폼 활동으로 스타덤에 오를 수 있었습니다.
Addison Rae:
애디슨은 댄스 비디오, 립싱크, 코미디 스케치, 라이프스타일 브이로그 등 다양한 콘텐츠를 통해 틱톡에서 인기를 얻었습니다. 매력적인 성격과 자연스러운 카리스마는 시청자들과 공감대를 형성했습니다.
Bryce Hall:
브라이스는 틱톡에서 그의 유머러스한 스케치, 장난 비디오, 관련성 있는 콘텐츠로 알려졌습니다. 종종 플랫폼에서 다른 크리에이터와 협업하여 영향력과 매력을 확장했습니다. 브라이스의 유머 감각과 창의성으로 틱톡에서 인기를 얻었으며, 헌신적인 팬들을 등에 업고 엔터테인먼트 산업에서 자리매김할 수 있었습니다.
그외에도 아래 목록에서 단편 영상 플랫폼으로 성공한 인플루언서를 많이 볼 수 있습니다. 목록은 일일히 번역하기에 한계가 있어서 영문으로 올립니다. 참고하시고 블로거나 크리에이터로서 방향을 잡아가는 데에 도움이 되었으면 합니다.
세계 인플루언서: 연도별 탑 10
- Michelle Phan: Known for her beauty and makeup tutorials on YouTube and her blog, Michelle Phan gained widespread fame in the beauty community around 2015, although she had been active for several years prior.
- Jenna Marbles: While Jenna Marbles had been creating content on YouTube since 2010, her comedic vlogs gained immense popularity around 2015, propelling her to mainstream recognition.
- Zoe Sugg (Zoella): Zoella, a British beauty and lifestyle blogger/vlogger, experienced a surge in popularity around 2015, thanks to her YouTube channel and blog, particularly among a younger audience.
- Casey Neistat: A filmmaker, vlogger, and entrepreneur, Casey Neistat’s daily vlogs and storytelling style on YouTube gained widespread attention and acclaim around 2015, elevating his status in the online creator community.
- Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin (Just Between Us): The comedy duo behind the YouTube channel “Just Between Us” saw a significant increase in popularity around 2015, gaining recognition for their humor and insightful content.
- Grace Helbig: Grace Helbig, known for her comedic YouTube videos and her book “Grace’s Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be a Grown-up,” saw her influence grow substantially around 2015.
- Tanya Burr: Tanya Burr, a British beauty and lifestyle blogger, gained prominence in the beauty community around 2015, thanks to her YouTube channel, blog, and collaborations with other influencers and brands.
- Connor Franta: A YouTuber, entrepreneur, and author, Connor Franta saw a significant increase in his online following and influence around 2015, particularly among young adults.
- Rosanna Pansino: Rosanna Pansino gained fame through her YouTube channel “Nerdy Nummies,” where she creates nerdy-themed baking tutorials. Her popularity surged around 2015.
- Eva Gutowski (MyLifeAsEva): Eva Gutowski, known for her lifestyle, fashion, and comedy content on YouTube, saw a notable increase in her following and influence around 2015.
- Huda Kattan (Huda Beauty): Huda Kattan, known for her beauty blog and cosmetics line Huda Beauty, experienced explosive growth in popularity around 2016, particularly on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube.
- Chiara Ferragni (The Blonde Salad): Chiara Ferragni, an Italian fashion blogger and influencer behind “The Blonde Salad,” saw her influence skyrocket around 2016, becoming one of the most prominent figures in the fashion blogging industry.
- Jeffree Star: Jeffree Star, a makeup artist, beauty influencer, and entrepreneur, experienced a surge in popularity around 2016, thanks to his highly successful cosmetics brand and engaging social media presence.
- Tavi Gevinson (Rookie): Tavi Gevinson, known for her fashion blog Style Rookie and later for founding the online magazine Rookie, gained widespread recognition for her contributions to youth culture and feminism, particularly around 2016.
- Gary Vaynerchuk (GaryVee): Gary Vaynerchuk, a serial entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, saw his influence grow significantly around 2016, particularly in the realms of business, marketing, and personal development.
- Zoë Foster Blake: Zoë Foster Blake, an Australian author, beauty editor, and founder of the beauty brand Go-To Skincare, gained prominence in the beauty and lifestyle blogging space around 2016.
- Amber Fillerup Clark (Barefoot Blonde): Amber Fillerup Clark, known for her fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blog “Barefoot Blonde,” saw her influence rise notably around 2016, particularly on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.
- Julia Engel (Gal Meets Glam): Julia Engel, a fashion and lifestyle blogger behind “Gal Meets Glam,” experienced significant growth in her following and influence around 2016, particularly within the realm of feminine and classic style.
- Emily Weiss (Into The Gloss): Emily Weiss, the founder of the beauty blog “Into The Gloss” and the beauty brand Glossier, gained widespread recognition in the beauty industry around 2016 for her innovative approach to beauty content and products.
- Leandra Medine (Man Repeller): Leandra Medine, the founder of the fashion and lifestyle blog “Man Repeller,” saw her influence continue to grow around 2016, particularly for her unique and irreverent take on fashion and personal style.
- Liza Koshy: Liza Koshy, known for her comedic content on YouTube and Vine, saw her influence skyrocket in 2017, thanks to her engaging personality and humorous videos.
- Emma Chamberlain: Emma Chamberlain, a YouTuber known for her vlogs and lifestyle content, experienced rapid growth in her following and influence around 2017, particularly among younger audiences.
- James Charles: James Charles, a makeup artist and beauty influencer, gained widespread recognition in 2017, becoming the first male CoverGirl spokesperson and amassing a large following on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube.
- David Dobrik: David Dobrik, known for his comedic vlogs on YouTube, experienced a surge in popularity and influence in 2017, thanks to his entertaining content and collaborations with other social media personalities.
- Kylie Jenner: While already famous as a member of the Kardashian-Jenner family, Kylie Jenner’s influence reached new heights in 2017 with the launch of her cosmetics brand, Kylie Cosmetics, and her highly successful social media presence.
- Hannah Bronfman: Hannah Bronfman, known for her health, wellness, and lifestyle content, gained significant recognition in 2017 for her contributions to the wellness industry and her engaging social media presence.
- Gabbie Hanna: Gabbie Hanna, a YouTuber and social media personality known for her storytelling and music, experienced a surge in popularity and influence in 2017, particularly with the release of her debut single “Out Loud.”
- Rickey Thompson: Rickey Thompson, known for his comedic content on Vine and later on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, saw his influence grow substantially in 2017, thanks to his infectious energy and humor.
- Brandon Woelfel: Brandon Woelfel, a photographer known for his whimsical and dreamy style, gained widespread recognition in 2017 for his stunning photography and unique editing techniques, particularly on platforms like Instagram.
- Yovana Mendoza (Rawvana): Yovana Mendoza, known as Rawvana, gained significant recognition in the health and wellness community around 2017 for her plant-based diet advocacy and lifestyle content.
- Emma Chamberlain: Emma Chamberlain continued to rise in prominence in 2018, solidifying her position as one of the most influential YouTubers and lifestyle bloggers, particularly among younger audiences.
- James Charles: James Charles continued to make waves in the beauty community in 2018, expanding his reach and influence with collaborations, makeup launches, and his engaging social media presence.
- Tana Mongeau: Tana Mongeau, known for her storytelling and vlogs on YouTube, experienced significant growth in her following and influence in 2018, particularly with the success of her MTV reality series “Tana Turns 21.”
- Shane Dawson: Shane Dawson, a longtime YouTuber known for his documentary-style videos, saw a surge in popularity and influence in 2018, thanks to his in-depth series exploring various topics and personalities within the YouTube community.
- NikkieTutorials (Nikkie de Jager): Nikkie de Jager, known as NikkieTutorials, gained widespread recognition in the beauty community in 2018 for her makeup tutorials and collaborations with major brands and influencers.
- Lele Pons: Lele Pons, a social media personality known for her comedy sketches and music videos, experienced continued growth in her following and influence in 2018, particularly on platforms like Instagram and YouTube.
- Bretman Rock: Bretman Rock, a makeup artist and beauty influencer, saw his influence soar in 2018, thanks to his entertaining content, vibrant personality, and collaborations with major brands.
- Chiara Ferragni (The Blonde Salad): Chiara Ferragni continued to dominate the fashion blogging scene in 2018, expanding her empire with collaborations, brand partnerships, and her own fashion line.
- Ryan ToysReview (Ryan Kaji): Ryan Kaji, known for his toy unboxing videos on YouTube, gained immense popularity and influence in 2018, becoming one of the highest-earning YouTubers and a prominent figure in the children’s entertainment space.
- Liza Koshy: Liza Koshy maintained her status as one of the most influential YouTubers in 2018, continuing to entertain her audience with her comedic sketches, vlogs, and collaborations.
- Emma Chamberlain: Emma Chamberlain continued to be a dominant force in the influencer world in 2019, with her quirky personality and relatable content resonating strongly with her audience.
- James Charles: James Charles maintained his status as a prominent figure in the beauty community in 2019, expanding his brand with new collaborations, makeup launches, and engaging content.
- David Dobrik: David Dobrik’s popularity continued to soar in 2019, as he consistently churned out entertaining vlogs and collaborations with fellow YouTubers and celebrities.
- Addison Rae: Addison Rae shot to fame on TikTok in 2019, quickly amassing millions of followers with her dance videos and relatable content, which eventually led to opportunities in mainstream media and brand partnerships.
- Charli D’Amelio: Charli D’Amelio, another breakout star on TikTok, gained immense popularity in 2019 with her dance videos, quickly becoming one of the platform’s most-followed creators and a cultural phenomenon.
- Liza Koshy: Liza Koshy continued to captivate audiences with her comedic content and infectious personality in 2019, further solidifying her status as one of YouTube’s most beloved creators.
- Riyaz Aly: Riyaz Aly gained widespread recognition on TikTok in 2019, particularly in India, where he became one of the platform’s top creators, known for his lip-sync and comedy videos.
- Bretman Rock: Bretman Rock remained a prominent figure in the beauty community in 2019, with his bold makeup looks, entertaining content, and charismatic personality continuing to attract a loyal fanbase.
- NikkieTutorials (Nikkie de Jager): Nikkie de Jager continued to be a powerhouse in the beauty industry in 2019, using her platform to advocate for inclusivity and acceptance while showcasing her incredible makeup skills.
- Gabbie Hanna: Gabbie Hanna expanded her presence beyond YouTube in 2019, releasing music and poetry that resonated with her audience and showcasing her versatility as a creator.
- Charli D’Amelio: Charli D’Amelio continued her meteoric rise to fame on TikTok in 2020, solidifying her status as one of the platform’s most-followed creators and expanding her reach to other social media platforms.
- Addison Rae: Addison Rae maintained her status as one of TikTok’s biggest stars in 2020, leveraging her popularity to pursue opportunities in acting, music, and brand partnerships.
- Dixie D’Amelio: Dixie D’Amelio, sister of Charli D’Amelio, also gained significant recognition on TikTok in 2020, establishing herself as a prominent creator known for her dance videos and vlogs.
- Bella Poarch: Bella Poarch rose to fame on TikTok in 2020, particularly with her lip-sync videos and the viral “M to the B” clip, quickly amassing millions of followers and becoming one of the platform’s top creators.
- James Charles: James Charles continued to be a major influencer in the beauty community in 2020, releasing new makeup collections, collaborating with brands, and creating engaging content across various platforms.
- Emma Chamberlain: Emma Chamberlain remained a dominant force in the influencer world in 2020, with her candid vlogs and relatable content continuing to resonate strongly with her audience.
- Larray: Larray gained widespread recognition on TikTok in 2020, known for his comedic sketches and parody videos that often poke fun at pop culture and internet trends.
- Avani Gregg: Avani Gregg rose to prominence on TikTok in 2020, showcasing her talents in dance, makeup, and comedy and amassing a large following of devoted fans.
- Noah Beck: Noah Beck gained significant recognition on TikTok in 2020, particularly for his dance videos and collaborations with other popular creators, quickly becoming a rising star on the platform.
- Tommyinnit: Tommyinnit, a Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer, gained immense popularity in 2020, known for his entertaining gameplay videos and interactions with his audience.
- Bryce Hall: Bryce Hall, a TikTok star, gained significant recognition in 2021, known for his entertaining content, including dance videos, pranks, and challenges.
- Dixie D’Amelio: Dixie D’Amelio continued to be a prominent figure on TikTok and other social media platforms in 2021, expanding her reach with music releases, brand partnerships, and content collaborations.
- Nessa Barrett: Nessa Barrett gained widespread recognition on TikTok in 2021, known for her lip-sync videos, dance content, and engaging personality, which led to opportunities in music and brand partnerships.
- Larray: Larray continued to be a popular creator on TikTok and other social media platforms in 2021, known for his comedic sketches, parody videos, and collaborations with other influencers.
- Tommyinnit: Tommyinnit maintained his status as a prominent Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer in 2021, continuing to entertain his audience with his gameplay videos and engaging personality.
- Charli D’Amelio: Charli D’Amelio remained one of the most-followed creators on TikTok in 2021, leveraging her platform for philanthropic efforts, brand partnerships, and content collaborations.
- Addison Rae: Addison Rae continued to expand her influence beyond TikTok in 2021, with ventures in acting, music, and entrepreneurship, further solidifying her status as a multi-talented influencer.
- Noah Beck: Noah Beck continued to be a rising star on TikTok and other social media platforms in 2021, known for his engaging content, including dance videos, challenges, and lifestyle vlogs.
- Nikita Dragun: Nikita Dragun, a beauty influencer and entrepreneur, gained significant recognition in 2021, known for her makeup tutorials, fashion content, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and representation.
- Avani Gregg: Avani Gregg maintained her status as a prominent creator on TikTok in 2021, showcasing her talents in dance, makeup, and comedy, and connecting with her audience through authentic and relatable content.
- Emma Chamberlain: Emma Chamberlain has been a consistently influential figure in the blogging and influencer world, so it’s likely that she continued to maintain her prominence in 2022 with her relatable content and engaging personality.
- Charli D’Amelio and Dixie D’Amelio: The D’Amelio sisters have been influential on platforms like TikTok and beyond, so it’s probable they continued to grow their presence and influence in 2022 through various ventures such as music, fashion, and content collaborations.
- Tommyinnit: As a popular Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer, Tommyinnit likely continued to attract a dedicated following and expand his influence within the gaming community in 2022.
- Addison Rae: Addison Rae’s multifaceted career likely continued to evolve in 2022 with endeavors in acting, music, and entrepreneurship, maintaining her status as a prominent influencer across multiple platforms.
- Nessa Barrett: Nessa Barrett’s music career and social media presence likely continued to grow in 2022, as she expanded her fanbase and engaged with audiences through her relatable content and music releases.
- Bryce Hall and Noah Beck: These TikTok stars likely continued to entertain their audiences with engaging content and collaborations, further solidifying their positions as influential creators on social media platforms.
- Larray: Larray’s comedic content and collaborations likely kept his audience entertained and engaged in 2022, contributing to his continued growth as an influential figure in the online community.
- Nikita Dragun: Nikita Dragun’s influence as a beauty influencer and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights likely continued to expand in 2022, as she used her platform to promote inclusivity and representation.
- Avani Gregg: Avani Gregg’s talent in dance, makeup, and comedy likely continued to attract followers and opportunities in 2022, as she maintained her status as a prominent creator on TikTok and other platforms.
- Gabbie Hanna: Gabbie Hanna’s music and content likely continued to resonate with her audience in 2022, as she diversified her career and engaged with fans through her authentic and relatable content.